Synthetic skin, an IELTS writing topic
Synthetic Skin-IELTS Essay

This is an IELTS-styled essay writing topic. Listen to the podcast and follow the instructions. If you’re preparing for the IELTS exam, it is a good idea to keep up to date with general knowledge. Be aware of topics that are commonplace in the news.

Synthetic skin, an IELTS writing topic
Synthetic skin – IELTS essay writing task

Some people believe that synthetic skin has no place in society. However, others believe that these types of advances are necessary to protect humans in the future.

IELTS Essay Task

Synthetic Skin Podcast

Write an essay to express your opinion, and try to include examples from your own experience where possible. You should take no longer than 40 minutes to complete this task. The minimum word count is 250 words.

Technological advancements in the field of robotics is a very topical subject. So, unfortunately, in the last decade, significant ethical dilemmas impacted the science surrounding this development.

The argument

There is an argument to support health benefits for burn victims who would otherwise live with disfigurement. In addition, such development in growing synthetic skin would also mean that robots may appear lifelike and perhaps may one day re-classify the definition of robotics.

In this essay, you must present arguments for and against the idea that skin can grow in a laboratory. So, consider the advantages and disadvantages and compare them to draw conclusions.

Comparative and superlative

Comparative and superlative grammar structures can prove helpful in supporting your opinion. Good luck with this task. Remember to like and share so we can continue producing more homework podcasts.

One2one Shop

A quick reminder that the one2one shop is open. So, You can buy specialist recordings with text to help you improve your listening skills for the listening section of the IELTS exam. Each recording is produced in-house. They offer over 11 years of experience from two English language instructors from central London. You can find the one2one shop on the home page of our website.

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A photo of a letter box to support an article on IELTS letter writing task 1.
Letter writing – IELTS task 1

It’s one of two parts of the writing section. Learning how to write with different levels of formality is key.

A photo of a letter box to support an article on IELTS letter writing task 1.
IELTS Letter Writing – Task 1

IELTS letter writing task 1 is one of two tasks to complete in the writing section.


Letter writing is one of two parts of the writing section for the IELTS exam. Therefore, learning how to write with different levels of formality is key to mastering this section. 

Memorising set phrases and words will not help you since, although there is a letter template in terms of layout and design, there is no way to fill it without knowledge of grammar. 

You are required to write a minimum of 150 words, and there is a maximum time allowed of 20 minutes to complete this task. 

There are three levels of formality that you will need to understand. and these are detailed below:


This is where you don’t know the person you are writing to, for example, a store manager, restaurant manager or even a business representative such as a parking offence office.


This is where you may know someone but not as a friend, for example, a school teacher, next-door neighbour or even a cleaner who works in your building.


This is where you know someone very well, such as a work colleague, close friend or even a relative you know very well, like a cousin.

Writing task 1

You recently ordered an item of clothing online, but it was not the right size when it arrived.

Write a letter to the company you bought the item from, and in your letter state the following:

Provide some details about the order

Explain why you wish to return this item

Tell the company what you want them to do about this situation.


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A fair ride-IELTS writing task on whether cyclists should pay to use the roads.
Cyclists IELTS writing

This is an IELTS homework writing podcast. Should cyclists pay for using roads, or should they be exempt? That’s the topic of today’s podcast.

Have you ever thought that cyclists don’t follow the rules?

A fair ride - IELTS writing topic. Should cyclists pay to use the roads?

Cyclists ignore red lights, undertake traffic, ride on pavements and even ride on the wrong side of the road. 

Governments have provided them with cycle lanes and promoted green areas with a ride to work incentive. There is some truth that our environment benefits from decreased air pollution. 


Drivers believe that cyclists should contribute to maintaining the roads; after all, they use them. In addition, they pay insurance, road tax, MOT, and servicing costs compared to cyclists who pay nothing. 

This is an IELTS essay writing task. You will need to write a minimum of 250 words, and it should take you no more than 40 minutes to complete the task.

Writing tasks are designed to show the contrast between two perspectives. Therefore, you should try your best to show examples from your own experiences.

This is how the question will sound in an IELTS style.

Some believe that cyclists should pay to use roads while others think they shouldn’t, based on their contribution to cleaner air. Write an essay to express your opinion, and where possible, provide examples from your own experiences.

Improving your writing skills depend on how much practice you do. Always leave enough time before booking and paying for an exam to have time to practice.

For more information about our IELTS preparation course, please use the contact us page on our website or the live help website feature. Our test class is free, and the calendar works in your time zone.

If you would like to improve your listening skills, please visit our shop. We have a collection of specialist IELTS style tasks complete with text so that you can check understanding.

An image of facial recognition
Facial Recognition – IELTS Writing

Facial recognition is not a new concept. Matching human faces to digitally mapped images stored on a database started around the 1960s. It’s fair to say that this technology is now widely used in the mobile phone landscape and the security sector.

Facial recognition is a controversial topic. However, there are advantages and disadvantages to its use.

Image of facial recognition used for an IELTS writing task.
Facial Recognition

Facial recognition podcast


Facial recognition violates society’s rights; there should be controls to ensure that people can opt out and protect their data. That’s the topic for today; thanks for joining me. 

This writing task features in part two of the IELTS writing exam. You will need to write a minimum word count of 250 words and take no more than 40 minutes to complete.

If you want more information about our courses, use the live chat facility on our website., and if you need listing practice with text, please visit our shop. 

Facial recognition is not a new concept. Matching human faces to digitally mapped images stored on a database started around the 1960s. So it’s fair to say that this technology is now widely used in the mobile phone landscape and the security sector.

This technology is still on its learning curve and not yet 100% accurate. However, some people in society believe that the benefits of contributing to national security outweigh the disadvantages. 

There is a growing concern that facial recognition is a threat to people’s rights and that this type of data should be managed and protected rather than freely used. 


We do not have to go far to see how it has impacted society, particularly at events, train stations and airports. However, its uses are not restricted to just security, and its latest application sees it being used to identify people in wars. 

There has been some controversy over Facial Recognition and the global facial recognition database assembly in recent news. For example, a recent news article published on Sky News reports a company was fined for taking images randomly without authorisation from the internet.

This topic is controversial but never the less important as it affects a global society. We can see how valuable facial recognition is, but there are disadvantages.


Work smarter

IELTS homework podcast
Homework Podcast-Laptops Vs Tablets

The IELTS writing task 2 homework is on the topic of technology and society. Two hundred and fifty minimum word count and forty minutes to complete.

Homework Podcast

Work smarter, not harder!


Hi, and welcome to this homework podcast. The homework task is on the topic of technology and society. The text to this podcast can be found on our website.

Some people believe that laptops will soon become a redundant piece of technology as tablets grow in popularity. Others believe that Laptops will outlive tablets and that they are more popular than tablets.

IELTS writing task

Write an essay to express your opinion. Your score for this task will depend on your ability to respond to this topic. The minimum word count is 250 words, and you are given a maximum of 40 minutes to complete this task.

Your vocabulary and demonstration of how you apply grammar are key to scoring points in this exam section. A guide to structuring your essay should show how you feel about a topic and include examples from your own experience.


Contrasting two opinions should be presented as advantages and disadvantages of both points of view. Ensure that you use the vocabulary that the IELTS board recommend.

There is no way to improve without practising; learning where your mistakes are being made will help to improve your overall score. We score your essay in class with you so that you can identify errors.

Contact us for more information about our online courses. Also, don’t forget that if you need to improve your listening skills, we have a shop with unique materials that focus on improving this skill—select shop on the menu on the homepage of our website. In addition, the text is provided with every audio so you can check comprehension.

If you enjoyed this podcast, please remember to like and share. Good luck with the task, until next time, bye for now.


Learning starts here

The data trail, IELTS academic task one.
The data trail – IELTS Academic Level Podcast

This podcast is called the data trail. It is about how data is presented in part one of the IELTS academic level writing exam.

The IELTS academic level writing task requires a greater understanding of how presented data is contrasted. This Podcast will help you to identify with the vocabulary used in part one.

The following podcast will help you to identify with the format of part one of the IELTS writing task at academic level.


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A photo of a puzzle which reflects a challenge to learn vocabulary for the IELTS writing tasks.
Writing Vocabulary Booster-IELTS

A vocabulary booster, the depth of your vocabulary is essential if you want to achieve a higher score in this section of the IELTS exam.

The key to improving your writing skills is based on building vocabulary.

Memorising words and phrasing can be a gamble as the task requires you to have understanding. One of the questions often raised by students is how to start an essay. Copying the question or statement to form an answer is not recommended since that will not gain points. Below, you will find some vocabulary to help you begin the introduction.

Vocabulary for an introduction

Most people believe that …..
The vast majority of people believe that……

Some believe that …

There are no defined rules, but you can use the following to end an introduction as a guide.

This essay will discuss both perspectives
The following essay will take a look at the advantages and disadvantages
The following essay will look at both points of view

A photo of different shapes to suggest that learning vocabulary is a challenge.


There are many different levels of expressing an opinion. You should consider the following:

I think (general)
I strongly believe that (Strong opinion)

Personally speaking (Personal opinion)
In my opinion (general)


In the second and third paragraph of your essay, you will need to use a transition; this guides the reader to identify with a sequence. Consider using the following:

On the one hand

The third paragraph is used to demonstrate another point of view, so you can use the following:

Second of all
On the other hand

With every essay, you will be required to give examples. Here are a few to consider:

For example
As an example
For instance

The final part of your essay is where you are showing your audience that you are coming to the end of your essay:

In summary
In conclusion
Taking the above into account

At this point, I will say that there is more vocabulary to consider, and I have only shown limited vocabulary to help you get started.

The following topic is based on music. Based on a maximum time of 40 minutes to complete and a 250 minimum word count, complete the following task.

Essay writing task

Some people believe that working from home is more productive than woking in an office. Write an essay to express your opinion and where possible provide examples from your own experience.


Culture-IELTS essay writing task

When learning a new language, culture is a consideration. It is the topic for this IELTS essay writing task.

IELTS essay writing tasks have a minimum word count of 250 words and a maximum time of 40 minutes to complete.

There is no short cut for improving your essay writing skills. There is some truth in the fact that the way in which we speak does have some common ground with the way in which we write.

Learning the structure of how to write an essay can help you to establish a template that can be applied and this will save you time.

Types Of Essays

There are five main types of essays and these are indicated below:



Advantage/ Disadvantage




Essay Writing Task

Some people believe that you need to learn about a culture in order to learn a language, others believe that it is not necessary. Write an essay to express your opinion. Where possible, try and provide examples from your own experience.

Work smarter, not harder!


All corrections are done in class, so that you can identify with your weaknesses and gradually turn them into strengths.

Improving Writing Skills

To practice on improving your writing skills, we recommend that you become familiar with some of the topics that the IELTS board use.






Travel and transportation

The environment




There are many others, however the key to learning is to practice with topics that are outside of your comfort zone.


One of the challenges that you will find is vocabulary building, so to build vocabulary, you should focus on adjectives that will help you to describe the topics indicated above.

Watching movies on TV can prove useful to help with understanding but keep in mind that exam English can be more formal and focussed on specific vocabulary.

Photo of a table and two chairs to suggest an interview scenario. Experience vs qualifications.
Experience vs qualifications

Some people believe that employers value experience more than they value qualifications. Write an essay to express your opinion. Where possible, try and include examples from your own experience.

Qualifications and experience

Firstly, there are many employers who, based on traditional values, will only consider job applicants who are at a degree level or above. So, some employers view a degree-level candidate as a marker. Thus, this so-called milestone demonstrates dedication, commitment, planning and achievement on a professional and personal level. 


However, there is a different school of thought that nothing can replace experience, which contributes towards enhanced business economies of scale and thus more profit.

Most employers would probably like a candidate to have a striking balance between the two. However, this may not be possible and is sector-dependent. 

Writing Task

This is an IELTS essay writing task based on this topic. Listen to the Podcast and write an IELTS essay. You must finish the task within 40 minutes and write more than 250 words. Where possible, try and include examples based on your own experience.

The IELTS essay is part two of the writing task. The letter-writing task is part one; at an academic level, you will be asked to interpret data instead.

If you liked this Podcast, please remember to like and share.


At the beginning of each class, homework is marked and errors identified. So, we will do our very best to identify strengths and weaknesses. Furthermore, this will help to identify a study plan. The average time taken for a student to prepare for the IELTS general level exam is twelve weeks compared to the IELTS academic level which is twenty weeks. Please bear in mind that these are only guidelines and each student is different.


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A photo of a robot.
Robots and the elderly.

This is an IELTS essay writing task based on whether robots should replace humans to look after the elderly. The time allowed to complete this task is 40 minutes and you need to write a minimum of 250 words. Listen to the audio and follow the instructions.

This is an image of a robot which is the theme of this IELTS essay writing task.



“Work smarter, not harder”.


This weeks task is an IELTS writing task, so you will need to try and complete it within 40 mins. It’s ok if you take longer when you’re studying, but you need to be aware of time since that is the maximum time allowed.

The essay writing section of this exam allows for a minimum word count of 250 words, and again, you need to work towards that target. It’s ok to write more; most students average at about 300 words.

Robots and the elderly

This weeks task is about Robots helping to care for the elderly. It’s an interesting concept since globally; we are all living longer. I have included a video to help you understand the idea in our blog, which can be found on our website;

Here is the task that you need to complete:

Some people believe that humans should look after the elderly; others believe that robots can replace carers. Write an essay to express your opinion, and where possible, try and include examples from your own experience.

One2one Students

If you’re a one2one student, we will correct your essay in real-time at the beginning of your next class using Google Docs. This will help you to identify with your mistakes and provide you with a point of reference. Focus on your weaknesses not your strengths.

Try your best to avoid using the same vocabulary since this defeats the objective. However, using synonyms can often help you to achieve a better score.

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