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National Army Subscription - A Sign Of The Times
National Army Subscription – A Sign Of The Times

The debate about national army subscription concerns implementing compulsory military service or conscription in a country.

National Army Subscription - A Sign Of The Times


National Army Subscription

The debate about national army subscription concerns implementing compulsory military service or conscription in a country. This debate typically involves weighing the benefits and drawbacks of requiring citizens to serve in the armed forces for a certain period of time.

Supporters of national army subscription argue that it promotes national defence, fosters a sense of duty and patriotism among citizens, and provides valuable training and discipline. They believe mandatory military service helps build a solid and capable defence force, ensures a fair distribution of national security burden, and enhances social cohesion.



On the other hand, opponents of national army subscription raise concerns about individual freedoms and personal choice. They argue that forcing individuals to serve in the military goes against the principles of liberty and autonomy. They also highlight potential social and economic disruptions caused by conscription, such as disrupting education or career plans and negatively impacting the labour market.

The specific arguments and perspectives on national army subscription can vary depending on the country and its unique circumstances. Ultimately, the debate revolves around finding a balance between national security needs and individual rights and freedoms.


Conversation Questions – Part 1

1. Is it necessary in today’s modern warfare landscape?

2. Should it be implemented as a mandatory requirement for all citizens?

3. Does it promote a stronger sense of patriotism and national identity?

4. What are the potential economic implications of implementing a national army subscription?

5. Should individuals have the right to choose whether or not to serve in the military?

6. Does it unfairly burden certain sections of society, such as lower-income individuals or marginalised communities?

7. How does it impact gender equality in the military?

8. Should there be alternative forms, such as community service, instead of mandatory military service?

9. How does it affect the education and career prospects of young individuals?

10. Does it enhance or hinder social cohesion within a country?

Conversation Questions – Part 2

10. Does it enhance or hinder social cohesion within a country?

11. Should the duration of national army subscription be the same for all citizens, or should it vary based on specific circumstances?

12. How does it impact mental health and well-being?

13. Does it ensure a more prepared and capable defence force in times of crisis?

14. Should exemptions or deferments exist for specific individuals, such as conscientious objectors or those with medical conditions?

15. How does it impact the relationship between the military and civilian society?

16. Should incentives or benefits be provided to individuals who serve in the military through national army subscription?

17. What measures can be taken to minimise the potential adverse effects on individuals’ lives?

18. Does it promote discipline and character development in young individuals?

19. Should it be tailored to address specific national security challenges and needs?

20. How does it compare to volunteer-based military recruitment regarding effectiveness and efficiency?

If you are preparing for an IELTS exam, please complete the following essay writing task for homework. 

Supporters of national army subscription argue that it promotes national defence, fosters a sense of duty and patriotism among citizens, and provides valuable training and discipline. Those who oppose this concept believe that it has adverse effects on society. 

Write an essay to provide your opinion. The time allowed to complete this task is at most forty minutes. You must write a minimum of 250 words. Corrections and a score will be provided at the beginning of your next class.

Nurse - Medical English
Nurse – Medical English

Medical English Nurse is a medical English podcast for nurses who are studying for an IELTS or CELPIP exam.

Nurse - Medical English

Nurse Medical English podcast

Nurse Podcast Transcription

Hello, and welcome to this edition of One2one podcasts. Today, I’m focussing on the medical sector, particularly nurses taking English exams.

There are two parts: the first will help you pronounce essential vocabulary you will need for an exam, and the second is a listening task to help you identify with spelling.

Good luck with the tasks, and remember, we help prepare you for the IELTS and CELPIP exams. The tasks featured in this podcast will help you with some of the tasks you will be expected to complete in both these exams.

Listen carefully to the following vocabulary:


The patient had a medical condition.


The nurse administered the vaccine.


The Doctor wanted a second opinion.


The hospital was only a 20-minute drive from the City centre.


Outpatient care is available at the clinic.


The patient underwent surgery for a cancerous growth.


Medication is only available on prescription.


A biopsy is needed before a diagnosis can be made.


Outpatients must go to the treatment centre between 8 am and 7 pm.

Medical record

The app provides a medical record for patients.


The wound needed to be cleaned before being assessed.


Intravenous medication acts faster because it flows directly through a vein.


A catheter is a tube inserted directly into the body to drain fluid or administer medication.


The patient was prescribed with a three-week rehabilitation program.

Palliative Care

Palliative care improves the quality of life for patients with serious illnesses.


The Piadiatric department looks after children who need treatment or care.

Nurse Listening Task

This Podcast is also available on Spotify:

This podcast is also available on Soundcloud:

This podcast is also available on YouTube:

In this next section, there is a short story. Listen carefully and answer the questions below:

Sally was a (1)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ at the Royal Cresent Hospital in London. She was involved in a car accident and underwent (2)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ on her left arm for a torn ligament. 

The (3)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ was very strong, and she was advised not to drive. Initially, her (4) _ _ _ _ _ _ prescribed an intravenous drug, but that was later changed to tablet form when she had a follow-up appointment at the (5) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ centre.

Susan Davis was Sally’s (6) _ _ _ _ _ and always updated her medical records at the end of each visit. Sally had fifteen stitches that were removed three weeks after surgery. The (7) _ _ _ _ _ was then cleaned and dressed. 

Read more: Nurse – Medical English Read More
Alternative Medicine - An Ethical Debate
Alternative Medicine – An Ethical Debate

Alternative medicine is a rapidly growing field that has gained significant popularity in recent years.

Alternative Medicine - An Ethical Debate

Alternative medicine is a rapidly growing field that has gained significant popularity in recent years. This conversation class explores the reasons behind the increasing adoption of alternative medicine, tracing its origins and providing examples supported by research. While conventional medicine continues to be the primary choice for many, alternative medicine offers unique approaches to healthcare that resonate with a growing number of individuals seeking holistic and personalised treatments.

The Origins

It encompasses a diverse range of practices and therapies that have roots in traditional healing systems from various cultures across the world. These healing systems, such as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Ayurveda, and Indigenous Medicine, have been practiced for centuries and emphasise the interconnectedness of the mind, body, and spirit. Alternative medicine draws inspiration from these ancient traditions, integrating natural remedies, herbal medicines, mindfulness techniques, and energy-based therapies.

Reasons for the Popularity

Holistic Approach

Its popularity is down to its holistic approach to healthcare. Unlike conventional medicine, which often focuses solely on treating symptoms or specific ailments, alternative medicine addresses the individual as a whole. It recognises the intricate interplay between physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, aiming to restore balance and promote overall health.

Personalisation and Patient Empowerment

Alternative medicine places a strong emphasis on personalised care and patient empowerment. It recognises that each individual is unique and tailors treatments accordingly. This personalised approach allows patients to actively participate in their own healing process, fostering a sense of empowerment and control over their health outcomes.

Natural and Non-Invasive Therapies

Another factor contributing to the popularity of alternative medicine is the preference for natural and non-invasive therapies. Many individuals are seeking alternatives to conventional treatments that often involve pharmaceutical drugs or invasive procedures. Alternative medicine offers a wide range of natural remedies, including herbal medicines, acupuncture, chiropractic care, massage therapy, and nutritional counselling, which are perceived as gentler, safer, and more sustainable options.

Research-backed Examples


Numerous studies have demonstrated the efficacy of acupuncture in treating various conditions, including chronic pain, migraines, and postoperative nausea. For instance, a meta-analysis published in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that acupuncture significantly reduced chronic pain compared to sham acupuncture or no treatment.

Herbal Medicine

Research has shown the potential of herbal medicines in treating certain ailments. For example, St. John’s Wort has been found to be effective in alleviating symptoms of mild to moderate depression, as suggested by a systematic review published in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)

Mindfulness practices, such as MBSR, have gained recognition for their positive impact on mental well-being. Numerous studies have shown that MBSR can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression while improving overall quality of life. A randomised controlled trial published in JAMA Internal Medicine demonstrated that MBSR significantly reduced symptoms of anxiety and depression in patients with generalised anxiety disorder.

Popularity can be attributed to its holistic approach, personalised care, and preference for natural therapies. Origins in traditional healing systems and research-backed examples, such as acupuncture, herbal medicine, and mindfulness-based practices, provide evidence of its potential benefits. As individuals seek a more comprehensive and patient-centred approach to healthcare, alternative medicine continues to gain recognition as a valuable complement to conventional medicine.

Debate style questions
Part 1

  1. Should it be given the same level of recognition and funding as conventional medicine?
  2. Is the rise in popularity a result of dissatisfaction with the current healthcare system?
  3. Should practitioners be required to meet the same licensing and certification standards as conventional healthcare professionals?
  4. Is the placebo effect the primary reason behind the perceived effectiveness of alternative medicine?
  5. Does it offer a valid and reliable solution for chronic pain management?
  6. Should insurance companies cover these forms of treatment?
  7. Can it adequately address mental health conditions, such as anxiety and depression?
  8. Is there sufficient scientific evidence to support the safety of alternative medicine practices?
  9. Should this form of medicine be integrated into mainstream healthcare, or should it remain separate and complementary?

Part 2

  1. Does the promotion of alternative medicine contribute to the spread of misinformation and pseudoscience?
  2. Is its use by celebrities and influencers perpetuating its popularity without proper scientific scrutiny?
  3. Can it effectively treat and prevent chronic diseases, such as cancer or cardiovascular conditions?
  4. Should it be subject to stricter regulations to ensure patient safety?
  5. Is the rise in popularity of alternative medicine a reflection of a cultural shift towards a more holistic and natural lifestyle?
  6. Does the incorporation of alternative medicine in healthcare reduce reliance on pharmaceutical drugs and their potential side effects?


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Inheritance Boom- Rise of the Affluent Middle Class
Inheritance Boom- Rise of the Affluent Middle Class

The Inheritance boom, post the COVID-19 pandemic, the world has witnessed a significant increase in wealth inequality.

Inheritance Boom- Rise of the Affluent Middle Class




THE Conversation


The Pandemic Consequences

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the world has witnessed a significant increase in wealth inequality. One of the contributing factors to this disparity is inheritance. As the balance between the rich and poor widens, we are witnessing the emergence of a prominent affluent middle class. This conversation class explores how inheritance in the post-COVID era has fuelled the rise of this wealthy middle class, who now display their newfound wealth by owning luxury cars, watches, and jewellery.

Inheritance Boom

Inheritance plays a substantial role in perpetuating wealth inequality. In post-COVID times, generational wealth transfer through inheritance has become more evident. The wealthy elite, who have accumulated vast fortunes, pass down their assets to their children, consolidating their financial status and widening the wealth gap. As a result, the middle class faces more economic prosperity.

Inheritance & The Emergence of the Affluent Middle Class 

With the accumulation of inherited wealth, a new segment of society is emerging—the affluent middle class. These individuals, once part of the traditional middle class, have now acquired substantial wealth through inheritance. This newfound affluence allows them to indulge in conspicuous consumption, displaying their wealth through luxury cars, watches, and jewellery.

Inheritance And Status

The possession of fancy cars has become a status symbol for the affluent middle class. Owning high-end vehicles not only signifies financial success but also serves as a means to differentiate themselves from the lower socio-economic strata. Similarly, luxury watches and jewellery ownership further solidifies their social standing and distinguishes them from the less affluent.

The Psychological Implications of Displaying Wealth

The ostentatious display of wealth by the affluent middle class reflects not merely their financial success but also psychological implications. In a society where material possessions are often equated with personal worth, the acquisition of luxury items becomes a means of validation and social acceptance. The display of wealth through fancy cars, watches, and jewellery is a way for the affluent middle class to signal their status and gain recognition from their peers.

Inheritance Boom And The Socio-economic Consequences 

The widening gap between the rich and poor, fuelled by inheritance, has far-reaching socio-economic consequences. As the affluent middle class displays their wealth, it creates aspirations and desires among the lower classes, leading to increased consumerism and a drive to attain similar status symbols. This perpetuates a cycle of materialism, where individuals strive for financial success and accumulate debt to acquire luxury items, further exacerbating the wealth gap.

The inheritance boom in the post-COVID era has significantly fuelled the rise of an affluent middle class. As the balance between the rich and poor continues to widen, displaying wealth through fancy cars, watches, and jewellery has become an emblem of this newfound affluence. However, the consequences of this growing wealth inequality are profound, as it perpetuates a cycle of materialism and consumerism, leaving the less affluent struggling to bridge the gap. Addressing this issue requires a comprehensive approach that addresses both the structural and psychological aspects of wealth distribution in society.

Inheritance Boom Conversation Questions

Part 1

1. Should inheritance be heavily taxed to reduce wealth inequality?

2. Is it fair for individuals to inherit vast sums of money without working for it?

3. Should there be a limit on how much wealth can be inherited?

4. Is inheritance a fundamental right or a privilege that perpetuates inequality?

5. Should inheritance laws be reformed to ensure a more equal distribution of wealth?

6. Is it ethical for parents to prioritise passing on their wealth to their children over charitable giving?

7. Should inheritance be abolished altogether to promote a more balanced society?

8. Is displaying wealth through luxury items an expression of personal freedom or a form of societal inequality?

9. Should governments implement stricter regulations on the transfer of assets through inheritance?

10. Is the rise of the affluent middle class through inheritance detrimental to social mobility?

Part 2

11. Should inheritance be used as a means of funding public services and social welfare programs?

12. Is the inheritance of wealth a form of privilege perpetuating social divisions?

13. Should individuals be required to work for a certain period before being entitled to inherit wealth?

14. Is the inheritance of wealth a justifiable reward for the success and achievements of previous generations?

15. Should inheritance be distributed equally among all descendants, regardless of their individual circumstances?

16. Is the accumulation of wealth through inheritance a form of intergenerational theft?

17. Should inheritance be subject to means-testing to ensure it is allocated to those in genuine need?

18. Is displaying wealth through luxury items a reflection of personal success or a shallow form of materialism?

19. Should inheritance laws prioritise the redistribution of wealth to address societal inequalities?

20. Is the inheritance of wealth a natural consequence of the right to private property or a systemic flaw in capitalism?

IELTS Writing Task 

Some people believe that the concept of inheriting money and assets passed down from another generation is fair. Others believe it widens the gap between the rich and poor within a generation. Write an essay to offer your opinion and provide examples from your experience.

Time allowed – 40 minutes.

Minimum word count – 250 words

Inheritance Boom Podcast Transcript

Part 1

Welcome to this One2one podcast on “The Inheritance Debate,” where we explore the controversial topic of inheritance and its impact on society. 

Inheritance, passing down money and assets from one generation to another, has always sparked intense discussions. On one side of the argument, some believe that inheritance is fair, emphasising the right to private property and the freedom to distribute wealth as one sees fit. They argue that individuals should be able to leave their hard-earned assets to their heirs, ensuring their family’s well-being and future success.

However, on the other side, critics argue that the inheritance boom deepens the divide between the rich and the poor. They claim that those born into wealth have a significant advantage in life, with access to better education, healthcare, and opportunities. This perpetuates a cycle of privilege, making it harder for individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds to improve their circumstances. Critics also point out that inheritance can lead to the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few, creating a significant wealth gap within a generation.

Part 2

Nevertheless, I believe that the issue lies not in the concept of inheritance boom itself but in how society regulates and manages it. Implementing policies that address the potential negative consequences of inheritance is crucial, ensuring a fairer distribution of opportunities and resources.

For instance, governments can consider imposing higher inheritance taxes on larger estates. By doing so, the revenue generated can be used to fund programs that support social welfare, education, and healthcare. This would help mitigate the impact of inherited wealth on societal inequality, ensuring a more balanced distribution of resources.

Promoting policies focusing on equal opportunities for all individuals, regardless of their family background, can further reduce the gap between the rich and the poor. Investing in quality education, affordable housing, and healthcare can empower individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds to improve their socio-economic status, irrespective of their inheritance.

Part 3

In conclusion, the inheritance boom itself is not inherently unfair. Instead, it is the way in which it is managed by society that determines its impact on inequality. Striking a balance between the freedom to pass on wealth and the need for a more equitable society is crucial. Ultimately, a fair and just society is one that provides equal opportunities for all, regardless of inherited wealth.

Thank you for joining me on this episode of “The Inheritance Debate.” I hope it has provided you with valuable insights into this complex topic. Remember, the conversation continues beyond this podcast, so let’s keep exploring and striving for a society that is fair and just. This lesson plan is available on our website and is part of our signature conversation course.

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