Climate Change
Climate Change: A Global Challenge

Climate change is not just a problem for the future. It is happening now and affecting us all. We must come together to protect our planet and ensure a sustainable future for generations to come.

“Those who have the privilege to know have the duty to act.” 
— Albert Einstein

Climate change has become one of our planet’s most critical issues. The Earth’s climate is changing at an alarming rate, primarily due to human activities.

Climate Change
Climate change


The primary cause of climate change is the excessive emission of greenhouse gases (GHGs) into the atmosphere. Human activities such as burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes have significantly increased the concentration of GHGs, particularly carbon dioxide (CO2). These gases trap heat from the sun, leading to a rise in global temperatures, known as the greenhouse effect.


The consequences of neglect are widespread and severe. Rising temperatures have resulted in the melting of polar ice caps, leading to a rise in sea levels. This, in turn, threatens coastal communities, causing coastal erosion and increased flooding. Extreme weather events like hurricanes, droughts, and heatwaves have become more frequent and intense, affecting agriculture, water resources, and human health. Furthermore, climate change disrupts ecosystems, causing loss of biodiversity and threatening vulnerable species.

Climate Change Solutions 

Addressing these issues requires a collective effort from individuals, governments, and businesses. Here are some potential solutions:

1. Transitioning to renewable energy sources: Shifting from fossil fuels to renewable energy, such as solar and wind power, can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

2. Promoting energy efficiency: Improving energy efficiency in buildings, transportation, and industrial processes can minimise energy waste and decrease CO2 emissions.

3. Reforestation and afforestation: Planting trees and restoring forests can absorb CO2 from the atmosphere, acting as a natural carbon sink.

4. International cooperation: Countries must work together to set and achieve ambitious emission reduction targets. Agreements like the Paris Agreement serve as crucial frameworks to combat climate change globally.

5. Sustainable practices: Encouraging sustainable agriculture, promoting circular economy principles, and reducing waste generation can contribute towards a better future.


This concept is a global challenge that demands immediate action. The consequences of inaction are dire, affecting the environment, human livelihoods, and future generations. By transitioning to renewable energy sources, promoting energy efficiency, and fostering international cooperation, we can collectively mitigate the effects and create a more sustainable future for all. Our responsibility is to act now and leave a healthier planet for future generations.


So, this is the homework for this week, and as I mentioned, it is an IELTS essay writing task. 

Climate change has become a significant concern for governments and individuals in recent years. In your opinion, what are the main causes, and what measures can be taken to address this issue?

Write an essay discussing the causes of climate change and suggesting possible solutions to mitigate its effects. Provide reasons and examples to support your arguments.

The rules

There is a minimum word count of 250 words, and you have a maximum time limit of 40 minutes to complete this task.


– Present a clear introduction, body, and conclusion

– Support your arguments with relevant examples and evidence

– Use a range of vocabulary and grammatical structures

– Check your essay for errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation

Climate Change Conversation Questions

1. What is climate change, and why is it a significant issue?

2. What are the main causes?

3. How has it affected your country or region?

4. Are there any specific environmental challenges or issues caused by climate change in your area?

5. What are the potential consequences of not addressing this issue?

6. What are some effective measures individuals can take to reduce their carbon footprint and combat climate change?

7. How can governments play a role in addressing climate change? What policies or actions can they implement?

8. Are there any innovative solutions or technologies that can help mitigate the effects?

9. How can we raise awareness and encourage more people to take action?

10. Do you think international cooperation is necessary to tackle climate change effectively? Why or why not?

Cue Card

Describe a climate change issue that concerns you the most. 

You should say:

– What the issue is

– How it affects the environment and people

– What measures can be taken to address it

Also, mention how you feel about governments trying to find solutions for this issue.

Podcast-Mind your own business.
Podcast-Mind your own business.

Welcome to this edition of one2one Podcasts, focused on expressing an opinion in English as a second language.

Podcast-Mind your own business.


Welcome to this edition of one2one Podcasts, focused on expressing an opinion in English as a second language.


Business conversation questions

  1. ” Remote work is a more efficient and productive way of conducting business than traditional office-based work.”
  2.  “Data-driven decision-making is essential for businesses to stay competitive in the modern market.”
  3.  “Sustainability initiatives in business are just a PR stunt and do not significantly impact the environment.”
  4.  “Digital marketing is the most effective way for businesses to reach and engage with their target audience.”
  5. “Artificial intelligence and automation will lead to significant job losses and negatively impact the workforce.”
  6. “Corporate social responsibility should be mandatory for all businesses, regardless of size or industry.”
  7. “Flexible work hours and work-life balance initiatives are crucial for employee satisfaction and retention.”
  8. “Traditional brick-and-mortar stores will become obsolete as e-commerce continues to dominate the market.”
  9. “Innovation and adaptation to new technologies are essential for long-term business success.”
  10. Government regulations and policies are necessary to ensure fair competition in the business industry.”
  11. “Investing in employee training and development is a key strategy for businesses to stay competitive and retain top talent.”
  12. “Businesses should prioritise diversity and inclusion in their hiring practices to foster innovation and reflect the diverse customer base.”
  13.  “Corporate mergers and acquisitions contribute to market consolidation and limit competition, ultimately harming consumers.”
  14. “Investing in sustainable and renewable energy sources is not only environmentally responsible but also financially beneficial for businesses in the long run.”
  15. “Ethical sourcing and supply chain management should be a priority for businesses to ensure fair treatment of workers and prevent exploitation.”
  16.  “Businesses have a moral obligation to give back to the communities they operate in through philanthropy and social initiatives.”
  17. “Blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionise various industries and improve transparency and security in business transactions.”
  18. “Businesses should prioritise customer experience and satisfaction to build strong brand loyalty and increase profitability.”
  19. “The government should provide more financial incentives and support for small businesses to foster entrepreneurship and economic growth.”

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Inheritance - What's yours is mine
Inheritance – What’s yours is mine

Inheritance tax, also known as estate tax or death tax, is a controversial topic that has been debated for years. It is a tax levied on transferring property or assets from a deceased person to their heirs or beneficiaries.

Join us for this controversial conversation class on the subject of inheritance tax. Featured recently in the media, learn how to express your opinion in English as a second language. This class is available as part of our conversation course.


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Inheritance tax, also known as estate tax or death tax, is a controversial topic that has been debated for years. It is a tax levied on transferring property or assets from a deceased person to their heirs or beneficiaries. Below are some arguments for and against inheritance tax:

Inheritance Tax Advantages

1. Promotes equality: Inheritance tax ensures wealth is distributed more evenly among society. It prevents the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few and helps reduce wealth inequality. Taxing the wealthiest estates provides resources that can be used for public goods and services that benefit all citizens.

2. Revenue generation: Inheritance tax generates significant revenue for the government. This revenue can fund public services such as healthcare, education, infrastructure, and social welfare programs. It helps reduce the budget deficit and provides resources for the government to invest in the economy.

3. Prevents the creation of a hereditary aristocracy: Inheritance tax discourages the creation of a hereditary aristocracy by making it more difficult for wealthy families to pass on their wealth to future generations without any taxation. This ensures that individuals are motivated to work hard and contribute to society rather than relying solely on inherited wealth.

Inheritance Tax Disadvantages

Critics argue that inheritance tax is a form of double taxation. The assets being passed down have already been subjected to income tax, capital gains tax, and other taxes throughout the deceased person’s lifetime. Taxing them again upon death is seen as unfair and burdensome.

Inheritance tax can harm family-owned businesses and farms. In some cases, heirs may be forced to sell or liquidate assets to pay the tax, leading to the loss of jobs and the dissolution of family-owned enterprises. This can negatively impact local economies and communities.

Tax planning

High inheritance tax rates often incentivise wealthy individuals to engage in tax planning strategies to minimise their tax liability. This can lead to complex estate planning, the creation of trusts, and other methods to avoid or evade the tax. As a result, the revenue generated from inheritance tax may be lower than anticipated.

The debate on inheritance tax revolves around fairness, equality, economic impact, and revenue generation. Proponents argue that it promotes equality and generates revenue for public goods. In contrast, opponents say that it is a form of double taxation, negatively affects small businesses, and encourages tax evasion. The outcome of this debate depends on the balance between these factors and the specific context of each country or jurisdiction.

Conversation Questions 

1. What are your thoughts on inheritance tax? Do you believe it is fair or unfair?

2. Do you think inheritance tax helps reduce wealth inequality? Why or why not?

3. What impact do you think inheritance tax has on small businesses and family-owned farms?

4. Is it important for society to discourage the creation of a hereditary aristocracy? Why or why not?

5. In your opinion, does inheritance tax encourage tax evasion and avoidance? Why or why not?

6. Should inheritance tax rates be higher or lower? What factors should be considered in determining the appropriate rate?

7. Do you think inheritance tax revenue is effectively used for public goods and services? Can you provide any examples?

8. How does this tax compare to other forms of taxation, such as income tax or sales tax?

9. Would you support any reforms or changes to the current inheritance tax system? If so, what would they be?

10. How does this tax vary across different countries? Are there any countries with particularly high or low rates that you find interesting?

Writing Practice:

Essay writing task

Some people believe that inheritance tax is beneficial because it helps distribute wealth across society. Others believe that this form of taxation is simply not fair since its money that has already been taxed.

Write an essay to express your opinion. Your essay should have a minimum word count of 250 words, and you should take no longer than 40 minutes to complete this task.

Your essay will be corrected by a language instructor at the beginning of your class in real time so that you can identify any errors made and correct them. 

Fast Fashion- trends
Fast Fashion – Trends

There is a longstanding debate on whether society should place an environmental value on clothing or succumb to the concept of fast fashion. In this conversational lesson plan, we look at a disposable culture and discuss its impact on an already fragile environment.

This class is available as a one-off class or as part of our conversation course. You should note that this class is based at an intermediate level.

Written and produced exclusively for One2one Academy. ©
Course – The Conversation Course
Level – Intermediate

Fast Fashion - Trends

Several ethical issues in the fashion industry have gained attention in recent years. Some of these issues include:


Many brands outsource their production to factories in developing countries where workers are often subjected to poor working conditions, low wages, and long hours. The Sweatshop scenario is a significant concern in the industry, as workers may face exploitation and a lack of basic rights.

Price can play a part in a customer’s decision-making regarding purchasing power. These so-called sweatshops impact the profit margins and, thus, the recommended retail price of apparel.

A child workforce

The use of children in the fashion industry is a significant ethical issue. Children are often employed in hazardous conditions, deprived of education, and paid low or no wages.

In many cases, a consequence of a child workforce is an economic benefit to families who would otherwise face starvation. It also provides a debatable path towards education, breaking the poverty cycle.

Environmental impact

The fashion industry is one of the most polluting industries globally. The production processes, including toxic chemicals, excessive water consumption, and the disposal of textile waste, contribute to environmental degradation and climate change.

There are notable consequences of disposable fashion which are directly linked to global warming. On some level, developing countries striving to gain economic leverage may have overlooked the impact.

Fast fashion and overconsumption 

The concept promotes a culture of overconsumption, encouraging consumers to buy and discard clothing constantly. This leads to excessive waste, as garments are often discarded after only a few wears, contributing to landfill pollution and resource depletion.

Disposable fashion, as it’s otherwise referred to, can also reflect on the longevity of a garment, subsequently adding to this problem. Poor quality controls, fabrics and aftercare exasperate the issue, which often prompts the need to replace and dispose of. 

Animal welfare and fashion

Using animal-derived materials, such as fur, leather, and exotic skins, raises concerns about animal welfare. Some practices, such as fur farming and the use of exotic animal skins, involve cruelty and unsustainable practices.

Animals, often regarded as a manufacturing resource, have sparked many ethical debates and demonstrations. These aim to create awareness but usually could be more effective. 

Lack of transparency 

Many brands need more transparency in their supply chains, making it difficult for consumers to know the origin of their clothes and the working conditions under which they were produced. This lack of transparency hinders accountability and makes it challenging to address ethical concerns.

Educating consumers about fast fashion could harm wholesalers and retailers, whose focus is solely on profitability rather than sustainability. Some believe that there is a cause to promote awareness in educational institutions. In contrast, others think it should be the responsibility of parents and the media. 

Fashion conversation questions

1. How aware are you of the ethical issues in the fashion industry?

2. Do you think consumers have a responsibility to support ethical fashion brands? Why or why not?

3. What steps do you think fashion brands should take to ensure ethical production practices?

4. How can consumers make more informed choices when it comes to purchasing clothes?

5. Do you think government regulations are necessary to enforce ethical standards in the fashion industry? Why or why not?

6. What role do you think social media plays in raising awareness about ethical issues in fashion?

7. How can fashion brands improve transparency and provide more information about their supply chains?

8. Should consumers prioritise buying sustainable and ethically produced clothing over affordability and trends? Why or why not?

9. How can the industry reduce its environmental impact and promote more sustainable practices?

10. Do you feel strongly about any specific ethical issues. Why?

11. What are some common misconceptions about ethical fashion that you have encountered?

12. Have you made any changes to your shopping habits to support ethical fashion? If so, what motivated you to do so?

13. How do you think the demand for fast fashion affects the ethical practices of fashion brands?

14. Are there any specific fashion brands you consider leaders in sustainable and ethical practices? Why?

15. How can consumers hold brands accountable for their ethical practices?

16. What are some potential consequences of not addressing ethical issues in the fashion industry?

17. Do you think the industry as a whole is moving towards more ethical practices? Why or why not?

18. How can brands ensure fair wages and safe working conditions for their garment workers?

19. what impact does it have on local communities and artisans worldwide?

20. How can individuals promote and support the concept of ethical fashion within their communities?

Dark Web - IELTS essay writing task
Dark Web – IELTS essay

In recent years, the dark web has gained notoriety for being a hub of illegal activities, such as drug trafficking, human trafficking, and cybercrime.

Dark Web - IELTS essay writing task


Some argue that the dark web should be shut down to prevent further harm, while others believe it serves a legitimate purpose. Write an essay discussing the pros and cons of the dark web and whether it should be banned.

In your essay, you should:

  1. Provide a brief overview of the dark web and how it works.
  2. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages, such as anonymity, privacy, and access to illegal goods and services.
  3. Consider the ethical and legal implications, including its impact on society, law enforcement, and individual rights.
  4. Argue for or against banning it, and provide supporting evidence and reasoning.

Your essay should be approximately 250-300 words and follow a clear structure with an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Use appropriate vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure to demonstrate your English proficiency. Please note that the minimum word count is 250 words.



The dark web is a topical discussion because it is a part of the internet that is not easily accessible or visible to the general public. It is a network of websites that can only be accessed through special software or configurations that allow users to remain anonymous. This anonymity has made the dark web a hub for illegal activities such as drug trafficking, human trafficking, cybercrime, and other illicit activities.

The rise of the dark web has led to concerns about the safety and security of individuals and businesses online. It has also raised questions about the ability of law enforcement agencies to monitor and track criminal activity on the internet. The ongoing debate about the pros and cons of the dark web has led many to question whether it should be banned or heavily regulated.


It has become more prevalent in recent years due to the COVID-19 pandemic, enabling criminals to sell fake vaccines, personal protective equipment, and other COVID-19-related items. This has led to an increased interest in the dark web among the general public and policymakers.

IELTS is an international English language proficiency test designed to assess the language ability of non-native speakers who want to study or work in English-speaking countries. One of the reasons why IELTS likes essays on technology is that technology is a pervasive part of modern society and significantly impacts various aspects of our lives.


Technology is an area that is constantly evolving, and it has a profound impact on almost every sector of the economy. As such, it is a topic relevant to many people and can provide a rich source of material for essay writing. Additionally, technology is an area that can be explored from different perspectives, including its impact on society, the economy, and the environment.

Technology is a subject that can be explored at different levels of complexity, from basic technological innovations to more complex and sophisticated technological systems. This provides a range of options for essay writing, allowing candidates to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the subject matter.


The IELTS exam board likes essays on technology because it is a relevant and important topic that offers a wealth of opportunities for candidates to showcase their language skills, critical thinking, and understanding of contemporary issues.

This lesson plan is part of our IELTS preparation course. Join us on Spotify for more exclusive material.

Stories - idioms
Stories – Idioms

Idioms are often considered the most challenging part of the English language. Two short stories to help with understanding.

Stories - Idioms

Stories with idioms

Learning idioms is important for a number of reasons. Here are a few:

  1. Better communication: Idioms are widely used in English, and learning them can help you understand and communicate more effectively with native speakers. Idioms can add colour and nuance to your speech, making you sound more fluent and natural.
  2. Cultural understanding: Idioms are often tied to cultural references and can help you understand the history, customs, and traditions of English-speaking countries. By learning idioms, you can gain a deeper appreciation for the language and culture.
  3. Improved listening skills: Idioms can be difficult to understand if you’re not familiar with them. By learning idioms, you’ll be able to pick up on them more easily when you hear them in conversation or in movies and TV shows.
  4. Enhanced writing skills: Idioms can be used to add flair and personality to your writing, making it more engaging and interesting to read. By incorporating idioms into your writing, you can make your work more memorable and stand out from the crowd.

Overall, learning idioms is an important part of mastering English and can help you become a more effective communicator, both in spoken and written form. This lesson plan is based on reading and comprehension.


The following stories were written to help with understanding. These short stories were written and produced exclusively for One2one Academy.


A short story about a character called Sarah who owns a start-up

As CEO of a successful start-up, Sarah knew that it was essential to keep costs low in order to stay competitive in the market. However, she also knew that cutting corners on quality was not an option if she wanted to maintain customer satisfaction. After months of negotiations, Sarah finally closed a deal with a major investor, securing the funding she needed to take her business to the next level. With a ballpark figure in mind, she began to brainstorm new ideas for expanding her product line, embracing blue-sky thinking and exploring all possibilities.

Despite her best efforts to keep her team informed, Sarah realised that some members had been left out of the loop on important decisions. She quickly made adjustments to ensure that everyone was on the same page and working towards the same goals.

Still, she knew that success was never guaranteed in the competitive world of business. Sarah was determined not to put all her eggs in one basket, carefully balancing risks and rewards as she continued to build her company. With a commitment to quality and innovation, she remained confident that her start-up would continue to thrive and grow.

Written and produced exclusively for One2one Academy ©

Story 2 – A Beautiful Day

A short story about a character called Jane who organised a picnic for friends at a park.

It was a beautiful day, and Jane was looking forward to a picnic in the park with her friends. She started to get ready by _________(put) on her favourite dress and ___________ (tie) her hair. Then, she ___________ (pack) her picnic basket with sandwiches, fruits, and drinks.

As she ___________(step) of her house, she saw her friends ___________(wait) her at the gate. They ___________(set) towards the park, chatting and laughing along the way.

When they ___________(arrive) the park, they ___________(spread) a blanket and ___________(lay) all the food. They ___________(dug) and ___________(eat) all the delicious snacks.

After the meal, they ___________(clean) the area and ___________(pack) the leftover food. They ___________(set) to explore the park and ___________(come) a beautiful lake.

Jane ___________(suggest) they go for a boat ride, so they ___________(hop) a boat and ___________(row) into the lake. They ___________(take) the beautiful scenery and ___________(chat).

As the sun started to set, they ___________(row) to shore and ___________(head) home. It was a perfect day filled with laughter, good food, and great company.

Written and produced exclusively for One2one Academy ©


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Canada – Between two worlds

Canada, “Between two worlds”, is a story about a woman named Rachel who attends a job fair and meets a recruiter from her dream job at a museum. A reading and comprehension task.

Canada - Between two Worlds

Canada, “Between two worlds”, is a story about a woman named Rachel who attends a job fair and meets a recruiter from her dream job at a museum. She goes through the interview process and eventually receives an offer. Rachel and her husband Nathan then move to Canada to start their new life, where they make new friends and explore the country. The story is a tale of perseverance and determination, showing the power of following your dreams.

Written and produced exclusively for One2one Academy ©

Canada – Tel Aviv

Nathan and Rachel sat on their balcony, sipping coffee and looking out at the stunning view of the Rocky Mountains. It was a crisp fall morning, and the leaves on the trees were starting to change colours. The couple had been living in Canada for almost a year now, and they couldn’t believe how quickly the time had flown by.

Their journey to Canada had started years before when they first met in Tel Aviv. Nathan had just graduated from university with a degree in computer science, and Rachel had just completed her degree in art history. They were both looking for something more in life and dreamed of living in Canada.

Canada was known for its vast open spaces, friendly people, and multiculturalism. Nathan had always been fascinated by the Canadian way of life, and Rachel was drawn to Canada’s natural beauty. They both felt like Canada was the perfect place to start a new life together.


After months of researching and preparing, Nathan and Rachel decided to apply for permanent residency in Canada. It was a long and complicated process, but they were determined to make it work. They spent countless hours filling out forms, providing documentation, and attending interviews.

Finally, after months of waiting, they received the news they had been hoping for. Their application had been accepted, and they were granted permanent residency in Canada. They were over the moon with excitement and couldn’t wait to start their new life in this beautiful country.

Their journey to Canada started with a long flight from Tel Aviv to Toronto. They were nervous and excited as they stepped off the plane and into the airport. A friendly immigration officer greeted them and welcomed them to Canada. Both felt a sense of relief and excitement as they walked through the airport, knowing that they were starting a new chapter in their lives.


Their first few days in Canada were a blur of new experiences and challenges. It was a struggle to adjust to the colder climate and the cultural differences. They had to learn how to navigate the city, find a place to live, and open a bank account. They had to figure out how to get around without a car, and they had to learn how to shop for groceries in a new country.

Despite the challenges, Nathan and Rachel were determined to make it work. They spent hours exploring their new city, trying new foods, and meeting new people. Both of them were amazed by the natural beauty of the country and the kindness of the people. They quickly fell in love with Canada and knew that they had made the right decision.

One of the biggest challenges they faced was finding work. Nathan had a background in computer science and was able to find a job relatively quickly. Rachel, on the other hand, had a degree in art history and struggled to find work in her field. She applied for job after job, but she kept getting rejected.

Job Fair

Rachel was starting to feel discouraged. She had always been passionate about art history and had dreamed of working in a museum. But it seemed like no one was interested in hiring her. She started to wonder if she had made a mistake by moving to Canada.

One day, Rachel was browsing through a local bookstore when she noticed a flyer for a job fair. She decided to attend, hoping that she might find something that would be a good fit for her. She spent the day going from booth to booth, talking to recruiters and handing out her resume.

At the end of the day, Rachel was feeling exhausted and discouraged. She had talked to dozens of people, but she hadn’t found anything that interested her. Just as she was about to leave, she noticed a booth for a local art museum. She approached the recruiter, and they started to chat.

The recruiter was impressed with Rachel’s passion for art history and her knowledge of the subject. They had a long conversation about the museum and its collection, and Rachel felt an instant connection with the recruiter. She left her resume with the recruiter and left the job fair feeling hopeful for the first time in weeks.


A few days later, Rachel received a call from the recruiter. They had reviewed her resume and wanted to invite her in for an interview. Rachel was overjoyed and spent the next few days preparing for the interview.

The interview went well, and Rachel felt like she had finally found her dream job. A few days later, she received a call from the museum offering her the position. She accepted immediately, and within a few weeks, she was starting her new job.

Nathan was thrilled for Rachel. He had seen how discouraged she had been about finding work, and he knew how important it was for her to find a job that she loved. With Rachel’s new job, they felt like their life in Canada was finally coming together.

Over the next few months, Nathan and Rachel settled into their new life in Canada. They made new friends, explored the country, and continued to learn about the culture. They were amazed by how much there was to see and do in Canada, and they felt like they were living their dream life.

Canada Is Home

As they sat on their balcony, looking out at the mountains, Nathan turned to Rachel and said, “Can you believe we’re living here? I never thought we’d be able to make our dream a reality.”

Rachel smiled and said, “I know, it’s amazing. Canada has been everything we hoped for and more.”

Nathan and Rachel knew that their journey to Canada had been long and challenging, but they also knew that it had been worth it. In the end, they found a new home in Canada, and they were excited to see what the future held for them. They raised their coffee cups in a toast to their new life, grateful for everything that had brought them to this moment.


  1. What was Rachel’s dream job?
  2. How did Rachel feel about her job search before attending the job fair?
  3. Who did Rachel meet at the job fair?
  4. What did Rachel do after meeting the recruiter?
  5. What happened a few days after Rachel’s interview?
  6. How did Nathan feel about Rachel’s new job?
  7. What did Nathan and Rachel do after settling into their new life in Canada?
  8. What did Nathan say to Rachel while sitting on their balcony?
  9. How did Rachel and Nathan feel about their journey to Canada?
  10. What did Rachel and Nathan raise in toast to their new life?

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Money - Save Or Spend?
Money – Save Or Spend?

Money, should we save or spend? The debate between saving for tomorrow or living for today is one that has been ongoing for years.

Money - Save Or Spend?

It is a question of personal preferences and circumstances. While some believe that it is important to save for the future, others argue that we should enjoy life while we can. In reality, both sides of the argument have their pros and cons.

One of the most significant advantages of saving for the future is financial stability and security. It allows us to have a safety net in case of emergencies or unexpected expenses. Saving also helps us achieve long-term goals such as buying a house, starting a business, or retiring comfortably. In addition, saving for the future allows us to have peace of mind, knowing that we have a plan in place for our financial future.

Money – The Temptation

However, one of the most significant disadvantages of saving for the future is that it requires discipline and patience. It can be challenging to resist the temptation to spend money on things we want now rather than saving it for later. In addition, the future is still being determined, and there is no guarantee that our savings will be enough to cover all our expenses in the future.

On the other hand, living for today allows us to enjoy life and experience new things. Life is short, and we never know what tomorrow may bring. Therefore, it is vital to seize the moment and make the most of our time. Living for today allows us to create memories, have fun, and enjoy the present moment.

However, one of the most significant disadvantages of living for today is that it can lead to financial instability and debt. It is essential to find a balance between saving for the future and enjoying the present. This can be achieved by creating a budget, prioritising expenses, and setting financial goals.

Money And Instability

In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of saving for the future. The pandemic has caused economic instability and uncertainty, leading to many job losses and financial hardship. Those with savings could weather the storm better than those without.

Finding ways to cut expenses and prioritise our spending while saving for the future. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us the importance of having savings and being prepared for unexpected events. It is always possible to start saving for the future. With discipline, patience, and a clear plan, we can achieve financial security while still enjoying the present. Ultimately, the decision between saving for tomorrow or living for today is personal, and it is up to each individual to find a balance that works for them.


1. Is it better to spend money or invest it in the future?

2. Should individuals be responsible for their own financial security, or should the government provide more support?

3. Is it worth taking on debt to finance education or other investments?

4. Should there be limits on how much individuals can save or invest?

5. Is it fair for wealthy individuals to pay higher taxes to support social welfare programs?

6. Should there be a universal basic income to ensure financial security for all individuals?

7. Is it ethical for companies to offer high-interest loans to individuals who may be unable to repay them?

8. Should there be more regulations on how financial institutions operate to protect consumers?

9. Should individuals be required to take financial literacy courses before being able to open a bank account or apply for a loan?

10. Should the government provide more financial support for small businesses and entrepreneurs?

11. Is it ethical for businesses to prioritise profits over the well-being of their employees?

12. Should there be a cap on CEO salaries to reduce income inequality?

13. Is it fair for companies to use tax loopholes to avoid paying their fair share of taxes?

14. Should more incentives exist for individuals and businesses to invest in renewable energy?

15. Is it ethical for companies to engage in price gouging during times of crisis or scarcity?

16. Should there be more transparency in how companies use consumer data for advertising and marketing purposes?

17. Is it ethical for companies to engage in offshore outsourcing to reduce labour costs?

18. Should there be more regulations on how companies treat their customers, particularly in industries like healthcare and insurance?

19. Is it ethical for companies to use sweatshop labour to manufacture their products?

20. Should there be more support for employee-owned businesses as a more equitable alternative to traditional corporate structures?

Try this lesson plan!

If you liked this lesson plan, you may enjoy Politics. Join me in this debate-style lesson plan that explores the concept of expression. Politics is a challenging topic to discuss. We all have an opinion about how a country should be managed, and very often, there is a good reason to avoid a discussion. Welcome to this one2one podcast; this lesson plan will provide insight into how we express ourselves in English as a second language. Our conversation course builds confidence, increases vocabulary and will help you to start, stop and maintain a conversation. Expressing yourself in the English language can be about more than just agreeing with someone. We should also know how to disagree. Again, vocabulary is key, and the focus may shift towards using voice tones, speed of speech or more complex sentence constructions.

Preposition - the art of precise communication
Prepositions – the art of precise communication

Prepositions are an essential part of language as they help to clarify the relationship between different words in a sentence.

Prepositions are an essential part of language as they help to clarify the relationship between different words in a sentence. They provide information about time, place, direction, manner, and other vital details essential for clear communication. Without prepositions, sentences would be more challenging to understand and could lead to confusion or misinterpretation. Therefore, using prepositions correctly and effectively in writing and speaking is important.

Prepositions - the art of precise communication

Prepositions Task 1

The following task will require you to place the correct prepositions in the sentences. There are many options to choose from. Use any that will create a grammatically correct sentence. 

Answers provided in class*

1. I walked _______ the park.

2. She sat _______ the couch.

3. The cat jumped _______ the table.

4. The book is _______ the shelf.

5. He ran _______ the street.

6. The car is parked _______ the garage.

7. She put the flowers _______ the vase.

8. The bird flew _______ the tree.

9. The plane is flying _______ the clouds.

10. He is standing _______ the corner.

11. She went _______ the store to buy groceries.

12. The ball rolled _______ the hill.

13. The dog is sleeping _______ the bed.

14. The picture is hanging _______ the wall.

15. The sun is setting _______ the horizon.

16. The boat is sailing _______ the ocean.

17. They are walking _______ the beach.

18. The painting is displayed _______ the museum.

19. She is dancing _______ the music.

20. The train is passing _______ the station.

21. The car is driving _______ the highway.

22. He is swimming _______ the pool.

23. The food is cooking _______ the stove.

24. She is typing _______ her computer.

25. The plane is landing _______ the runway.

26. The spider crawled _______ the wall.

27. The music is coming _______ the speakers.

28. The book is open _______ the table.

29. The moon is shining _______ the sky.

30. The sun is rising _______ the mountains.

Prepositions Task 2

Full text provided in class*

Jonathan had always dreamed of starting his own business. After years of saving up, he finally had enough money to make his dream a reality. He decided to open a coffee shop _______ the heart of the city. 

Jonathan researched different locations and found the perfect spot _______ a busy street corner. He signed a lease _______ the property and started renovating the space. He hired a contractor to help him with the construction work. 

Once the construction was finished, Jonathan started purchasing equipment _______ his coffee shop. He bought a coffee machine, tables, chairs, and other necessary items. He also hired staff to help him run the business. 

Jonathan knew that he needed to create a unique brand _______ his coffee shop. He came up _______ a name and logo that reflected his passion _______ coffee. He also developed a menu that featured a variety of coffee drinks and pastries. 

Finally, the day came when Jonathan was ready to open his coffee shop. He invited his friends and family _______ a soft opening. The soft opening was a success, and Jonathan received positive feedback _______ his coffee and service. 

Jonathan knew that he needed to do more to attract customers _______ his coffee shop. He started promoting his business _______ social media and placed ads _______ local newspapers. He also offered discounts _______ customers who referred their friends and family _______ his coffee shop. 

With hard work and dedication, Jonathan’s coffee shop became a popular destination _______ coffee lovers _______ the city. He was able to turn his dream into a successful business and was grateful _______ the opportunity to share his passion with others.


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Phrasal Verbs - Get a business perspective. Image depicts a city landscape to suggest a business environment.
Phrasal Verbs – Get a business perspective

Phrasal verbs are an essential part of the English language, especially in business settings. Part of our English For Work course.

Phrasal Verbs - Get a business perspective - Photo of skyscrapers to suggest business.

“Unlock the Power of Business Phrasal Verbs and Take Your Communication Skills to the Next Level! Are you tired of feeling stuck in business conversations, struggling to convey your ideas clearly? Don’t let language barriers hold you back from success! Our comprehensive course will equip you with the essential phrasal verbs and expressions to navigate any professional situation with confidence. From networking to negotiations, we’ll guide you step-by-step to master the language of business. Join now and start speaking like a pro!”

Phrasal verbs are an important part of the English language, especially in business settings. Here are a few reasons why:

  1. They are commonly used in everyday business communication: Phrasal verbs are often used in business settings, so it is vital to understand and use them correctly to communicate effectively.
  2. They can add precision and nuance to communication: Phrasal verbs can add shades of meaning to phrases, making communication more precise and nuanced. This can be important in negotiations, where the difference between one phrasal verb and another can mean a successful outcome and a failed one.
  3. They can help you sound more natural and fluent: Using phrasal verbs correctly can help you sound more natural and fluent in English, which can help build trust and rapport with colleagues and clients.
  4. They are often used in idiomatic expressions: Phrasal verbs are often used in idiomatic expressions, which are common in English. Understanding these expressions and using them correctly can help you communicate more effectively with native speakers of English.
  5. They are essential for understanding business English: Phrasal verbs are an integral part of business English, and understanding them is crucial for understanding business documents, emails, and other forms of communication.

Fill in the blanks

  1. The car __ __ on the highway, and we had to call for help. (stopped working)
  2. Let’s __ __ the topic of the upcoming project at the meeting. (introduce)
  3. They had to __ __ the wedding due to bad weather. (cancel)
  4. We need to __ __ the plan as soon as possible to meet the deadline. (execute)
  5. Can you __ __ __ a new marketing strategy to boost sales? (create)
  6. The company had to __ __ expenses to stay afloat during the recession. (reduce)
  7. Please __ __ the form with your personal information. (complete)
  8. We need to __ __ with the client to confirm the details of the contract. (pursue)
  9. Hard work and determination can help you __ __ in your career. (make progress)
  10. The company had to __ __ to the union’s demands to avoid a strike. (surrender)
  11. Let’s __ __ on making a decision until we have more information. (delay)
  12. It’s important to __ __ __ industry trends to stay competitive. (stay informed)
  13. The company had to __ __ several employees due to budget cuts. (terminate)
  14. We need to __ __ the issue to understand what went wrong. (investigate)
  15. The company offered a bonus to __ __ __ the lost wages during the strike. (compensate)
  16. We had to __ __ the meeting until next week because of scheduling conflicts. (postpone)
  17. We __ __ __ office supplies and need to order more. (exhausted)
  18. The new CEO will __ __ the company next month. (assume control)
  19. The investor decided to __ __ the proposal due to financial risks. (reject)
  20. Let’s __ __ a solution to the problem before it gets worse. (resolve)
  21. We need to __ __ new technology to improve efficiency. (introduce)
  22. Please __ __ while I check if the product is in stock. (wait)
  23. I __ __ __ meeting the new team next week. (anticipate)
  24. They decided to __ __ a new branch in a different city. (establish)
  25. I’m thinking of __ __ a new hobby like painting or photography. (starting)


  1. What was the last thing you had to break down and get repaired?
  2. When was the last time you had to bring up a difficult topic in a conversation?
  3. Have you ever had to call off a trip or event due to unforeseen circumstances?
  4. What is the most important task you have ever had to carry out at work or in school?
  5. Have you ever come up with a creative solution to a problem? Can you give an example?
  6. In what ways have you had to cut back on expenses in your life?
  7. What is the most important form you have ever had to fill out?
  8. When was the last time you had to follow up on something important?
  9. What steps have you taken to get ahead in your career or personal life?
  10. Have you ever had to give in to someone else’s demands? How did you handle it?
  11. What is the longest you have ever had to hold off making a decision?
  12. How do you keep up with current events and news?
  13. Have you ever been laid off from a job? How did you handle it?
  14. What was the last thing you had to look into to solve a problem?
  15. Have you ever had to make up for a mistake you made at work or in your personal life?
  16. What is the longest you have ever had to put off a task or project?
  17. When was the last time you ran out of something important?
  18. Have you ever taken over a project or responsibility from someone else? How did it go?
  19. Have you ever been turned down for a job or opportunity you really wanted? How did you handle it?
  20. What is the most challenging problem you have ever had to work out a solution for?
  21. What new technology or tool have you recently brought in to improve your productivity or efficiency?
  22. Have you ever been put on hold for a long time during a phone call? How did you handle it?
  23. What upcoming event or project are you most looking forward to?
  24. Have you ever set up a new business or project from scratch? How did it go?
  25. What new hobby or interest have you recently taken up?

Why should you practice business phrasal verbs?

Phrasal verbs are an important part of the English language, especially in business settings. Here are a few reasons why:

  1. They are commonly used in everyday business communication: Phrasal verbs are often used in business settings, so it is important to understand and use them correctly in order to communicate effectively.
  2. They can add precision and nuance to communication: Phrasal verbs can add shades of meaning to phrases, making communication more precise and nuanced. This can be important in negotiations, where the difference between one phrasal verb and another can mean the difference between a successful outcome and a failed one.
  3. They can help you sound more natural and fluent: Using phrasal verbs correctly can help you sound more natural and fluent in English, which can help build trust and rapport with colleagues and clients.
  4. They are often used in idiomatic expressions: Phrasal verbs are often used in idiomatic expressions, which are common in English. Understanding these expressions and using them correctly can help you communicate more effectively with native speakers of English.
  5. They are essential for understanding business English: Phrasal verbs are an essential part of business English, and understanding them is essential for understanding business documents, emails, and other forms of communication.

It is important to practice business phrasal verbs for several reasons:

  1. To improve communication skills: Practicing business phrasal verbs can help improve your communication skills, making it easier to express yourself in a clear and concise way in a business setting. This can help you build better relationships with colleagues, clients, and customers.
  2. To increase confidence: Practicing business phrasal verbs can help increase your confidence in communicating in English, which can be particularly important if you are not a native speaker of the language.
  3. To understand business documents and conversations: Business phrasal verbs are commonly used in business documents and conversations. By practising them, you can better understand these materials and feel more confident in your ability to interpret them.
  4. To negotiate effectively: Business phrasal verbs are often used in negotiations, and understanding them can help you negotiate effectively and achieve better outcomes.
  5. To sound more natural: Using business phrasal verbs in the right context can help you sound more natural and fluent in English, which can help you build better relationships with colleagues, clients, and customers.

This module is part of our English for Work course.

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