Conversation Topics - a woman crossing a busy road

New conversation topics, a podcast about the latest conversation topics featured in our conversation course.


Listen to the podcast about the latest conversation topics from one2one academy. On the whole, students who practice improve over time. So, try and expand your sentence constructions to reflect more detail. On the one hand you will need to develop listening skills to improve however on the other you will learn while you apply in our specialist online classes.

Conversation topics, work smarter, not harder.

New conversation topics

Social media has helped society to communicate more effectively.

Cryptocurrencies are the future as more and more businesses are moving online.

Dentistry should be government subsidized and not just a private healthcare option.

All cars should have recording equipment to help the police reduce road accidents.

Criminals only benefit from serving time in prison; they will always re-offend.

Pets are electronically chipped; humans should be too.

A cashless society is bad for an economy.

Working from home should be a choice.

Remember that your objective is to express yourself in English as a second language.

Build your confidence and learn how to apply grammar with our conversation course. Our online calendar works in your time zone, in addition our language instructors are native English speakers. Follow us for more conversation topics.

Qualified, Experienced London based language instructors

An English language school providing online classes for home study. Established since 2011, we specialise in preparing students for English exams with all recognised bodies. So, our services include Interview Preparation, CV writing, conversation classes, Business English and Exam Preparation. Each class is online, individual and lasts for 55 minutes. Experienced, qualified and London based language instructors.

The art of conversation requires practice. So if you would like to learn more about this course or any of the other courses we offer, contact us. Our one2one shop is now open for students who need extra help with building their listening skills. So, if you you need listening practice with text, press here.

A photo of a table and chair used to depict diversity, interview vocabulary.
Diversity – Interview vocabulary

In this podcast, you will learn about the alternative vocabulary used at an interview. I cover responsibility, work ethic and teamwork.

“One2one academy, work smarter, not harder”.

A photo of a table and chair used to depict diversity, interview vocabulary.


If you are in charge of people in your current job, you could use the word responsible, but there are better ways to express this.

For example, if you are responsible for a team of 6 people, we could use:

I supervise a team of six people
I oversee
I’m accountable for
I manage

Staying away from conventional phrases or words can often make all the difference and give you an advantage which, let’s face it, is what this is all about.

Next is your work ethic; most people simply state that they are hard workers, so to stay away from that form, you could say;

I’m disciplined in my approach.
I take ownership of tasks.
I’m very consistent
Focussed on meeting objectives
Enjoy the challenges that surround problem-solving
I’m very goal orientated.


I could not leave teamwork out of this mix, so rather than just say that you work well in a team, perhaps you should consider the following:

I’m supportive
I enjoy collaboration
I enjoy working within diverse teams that bring unique perspectives.
I’m sympathetic and understanding towards others.
I enjoy watching those around me grow and expand their knowledge.


The key to beating the competition is staying away from standard answers. Instead, be as diverse as you can, as this can often make the difference between getting the position you want and creating opportunities for yourself.

Imagine that this process depends on answers that will leave a lasting impression and give you a tactical advantage.

I hope you have enjoyed this podcast and if you have, please remember to give us that all-important like and share. If you would like to learn more about our interview preparation classes, contact us using the contact us form on our website.

Other Podcasts

The data trail, IELTS academic task one.
The data trail – IELTS Academic Level Podcast

This podcast is called the data trail. It is about how data is presented in part one of the IELTS academic level writing exam.

The IELTS academic level writing task requires a greater understanding of how presented data is contrasted. This Podcast will help you to identify with the vocabulary used in part one.

The following podcast will help you to identify with the format of part one of the IELTS writing task at academic level.


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