Inheritance Boom- Rise of the Affluent Middle Class
Inheritance Boom- Rise of the Affluent Middle Class

The Inheritance boom, post the COVID-19 pandemic, the world has witnessed a significant increase in wealth inequality.

Inheritance Boom- Rise of the Affluent Middle Class




THE Conversation


The Pandemic Consequences

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the world has witnessed a significant increase in wealth inequality. One of the contributing factors to this disparity is inheritance. As the balance between the rich and poor widens, we are witnessing the emergence of a prominent affluent middle class. This conversation class explores how inheritance in the post-COVID era has fuelled the rise of this wealthy middle class, who now display their newfound wealth by owning luxury cars, watches, and jewellery.

Inheritance Boom

Inheritance plays a substantial role in perpetuating wealth inequality. In post-COVID times, generational wealth transfer through inheritance has become more evident. The wealthy elite, who have accumulated vast fortunes, pass down their assets to their children, consolidating their financial status and widening the wealth gap. As a result, the middle class faces more economic prosperity.

Inheritance & The Emergence of the Affluent Middle Class 

With the accumulation of inherited wealth, a new segment of society is emerging—the affluent middle class. These individuals, once part of the traditional middle class, have now acquired substantial wealth through inheritance. This newfound affluence allows them to indulge in conspicuous consumption, displaying their wealth through luxury cars, watches, and jewellery.

Inheritance And Status

The possession of fancy cars has become a status symbol for the affluent middle class. Owning high-end vehicles not only signifies financial success but also serves as a means to differentiate themselves from the lower socio-economic strata. Similarly, luxury watches and jewellery ownership further solidifies their social standing and distinguishes them from the less affluent.

The Psychological Implications of Displaying Wealth

The ostentatious display of wealth by the affluent middle class reflects not merely their financial success but also psychological implications. In a society where material possessions are often equated with personal worth, the acquisition of luxury items becomes a means of validation and social acceptance. The display of wealth through fancy cars, watches, and jewellery is a way for the affluent middle class to signal their status and gain recognition from their peers.

Inheritance Boom And The Socio-economic Consequences 

The widening gap between the rich and poor, fuelled by inheritance, has far-reaching socio-economic consequences. As the affluent middle class displays their wealth, it creates aspirations and desires among the lower classes, leading to increased consumerism and a drive to attain similar status symbols. This perpetuates a cycle of materialism, where individuals strive for financial success and accumulate debt to acquire luxury items, further exacerbating the wealth gap.

The inheritance boom in the post-COVID era has significantly fuelled the rise of an affluent middle class. As the balance between the rich and poor continues to widen, displaying wealth through fancy cars, watches, and jewellery has become an emblem of this newfound affluence. However, the consequences of this growing wealth inequality are profound, as it perpetuates a cycle of materialism and consumerism, leaving the less affluent struggling to bridge the gap. Addressing this issue requires a comprehensive approach that addresses both the structural and psychological aspects of wealth distribution in society.

Inheritance Boom Conversation Questions

Part 1

1. Should inheritance be heavily taxed to reduce wealth inequality?

2. Is it fair for individuals to inherit vast sums of money without working for it?

3. Should there be a limit on how much wealth can be inherited?

4. Is inheritance a fundamental right or a privilege that perpetuates inequality?

5. Should inheritance laws be reformed to ensure a more equal distribution of wealth?

6. Is it ethical for parents to prioritise passing on their wealth to their children over charitable giving?

7. Should inheritance be abolished altogether to promote a more balanced society?

8. Is displaying wealth through luxury items an expression of personal freedom or a form of societal inequality?

9. Should governments implement stricter regulations on the transfer of assets through inheritance?

10. Is the rise of the affluent middle class through inheritance detrimental to social mobility?

Part 2

11. Should inheritance be used as a means of funding public services and social welfare programs?

12. Is the inheritance of wealth a form of privilege perpetuating social divisions?

13. Should individuals be required to work for a certain period before being entitled to inherit wealth?

14. Is the inheritance of wealth a justifiable reward for the success and achievements of previous generations?

15. Should inheritance be distributed equally among all descendants, regardless of their individual circumstances?

16. Is the accumulation of wealth through inheritance a form of intergenerational theft?

17. Should inheritance be subject to means-testing to ensure it is allocated to those in genuine need?

18. Is displaying wealth through luxury items a reflection of personal success or a shallow form of materialism?

19. Should inheritance laws prioritise the redistribution of wealth to address societal inequalities?

20. Is the inheritance of wealth a natural consequence of the right to private property or a systemic flaw in capitalism?

IELTS Writing Task 

Some people believe that the concept of inheriting money and assets passed down from another generation is fair. Others believe it widens the gap between the rich and poor within a generation. Write an essay to offer your opinion and provide examples from your experience.

Time allowed – 40 minutes.

Minimum word count – 250 words

Inheritance Boom Podcast Transcript

Part 1

Welcome to this One2one podcast on “The Inheritance Debate,” where we explore the controversial topic of inheritance and its impact on society. 

Inheritance, passing down money and assets from one generation to another, has always sparked intense discussions. On one side of the argument, some believe that inheritance is fair, emphasising the right to private property and the freedom to distribute wealth as one sees fit. They argue that individuals should be able to leave their hard-earned assets to their heirs, ensuring their family’s well-being and future success.

However, on the other side, critics argue that the inheritance boom deepens the divide between the rich and the poor. They claim that those born into wealth have a significant advantage in life, with access to better education, healthcare, and opportunities. This perpetuates a cycle of privilege, making it harder for individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds to improve their circumstances. Critics also point out that inheritance can lead to the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few, creating a significant wealth gap within a generation.

Part 2

Nevertheless, I believe that the issue lies not in the concept of inheritance boom itself but in how society regulates and manages it. Implementing policies that address the potential negative consequences of inheritance is crucial, ensuring a fairer distribution of opportunities and resources.

For instance, governments can consider imposing higher inheritance taxes on larger estates. By doing so, the revenue generated can be used to fund programs that support social welfare, education, and healthcare. This would help mitigate the impact of inherited wealth on societal inequality, ensuring a more balanced distribution of resources.

Promoting policies focusing on equal opportunities for all individuals, regardless of their family background, can further reduce the gap between the rich and the poor. Investing in quality education, affordable housing, and healthcare can empower individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds to improve their socio-economic status, irrespective of their inheritance.

Part 3

In conclusion, the inheritance boom itself is not inherently unfair. Instead, it is the way in which it is managed by society that determines its impact on inequality. Striking a balance between the freedom to pass on wealth and the need for a more equitable society is crucial. Ultimately, a fair and just society is one that provides equal opportunities for all, regardless of inherited wealth.

Thank you for joining me on this episode of “The Inheritance Debate.” I hope it has provided you with valuable insights into this complex topic. Remember, the conversation continues beyond this podcast, so let’s keep exploring and striving for a society that is fair and just. This lesson plan is available on our website and is part of our signature conversation course.

Please remember to subscribe to our YouTube Channel and share to support us. Till next time, bye for now!

The Younger Generation -A Digital Youth Connected
The Younger Generation -A Digital Youth Connected

The younger generation. As technology advances at an unprecedented rate, they are exposed to a fast-paced and interconnected world.

The Younger Generation -A Digital Youth Connected

As technology advances at an unprecedented rate, young people are constantly exposed to a fast-paced and interconnected world.

The Younger Generation

Modern-day lifestyles have a profound impact on the younger generation. As technology advances at an unprecedented rate, young people are constantly exposed to a fast-paced and interconnected world. This constant exposure to technology and social media has shaped their lives in ways previous generations could not have imagined.

One of the most noticeable impacts of modern lifestyles on the younger generation is the increase in sedentary behaviour. With the rise of smartphones, tablets, and video games, physical activity has taken a backseat. Instead of engaging in outdoor activities and sports, many young people spend hours glued to screens, leading to a decrease in physical fitness and an increase in health problems such as obesity.

Stress And Anxiety

Moreover, the pressure to be constantly connected and engaged on social media platforms has created a new form of stress and anxiety for young people. They are exposed to a curated version of other people’s lives, often leading to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem. The constant need for validation through likes, comments, and followers has become a significant source of pressure and anxiety.

The fast-paced nature of modern life has also impacted the younger generation’s mental health. The constant demands of school, extracurricular activities, and social obligations leave little time for relaxation and self-care. Many young people struggle with high levels of stress, depression, and burnout as they try to keep up with the expectations placed upon them.

Information And Entertainment

Additionally, the instant availability of information and entertainment has led to shorter attention spans among young people. With the ability to access any information or entertainment at their fingertips, many find it challenging to focus on tasks that require sustained attention and effort. This can have a detrimental effect on their academic performance and overall ability to concentrate and engage in deep thinking.

So, modern-day lifestyles have undoubtedly impacted the younger generation in various ways. While technology has brought numerous benefits and opportunities, it has also led to negative consequences. Society must address these issues by promoting a healthy balance between technology use and real-world experiences and fostering open conversations about mental health and well-being.

The Younger Generation – Conversation Questions

  1. Is technology and social media causing more harm than good to the younger generation?
  2. How can we strike a balance between technology use and physical activity for young people?
  3. Should schools incorporate more physical education programs to combat sedentary behaviour among students?
  4. Does constant exposure to social media lead to increased levels of anxiety and depression in young people?
  5. What measures can be taken to promote positive body image and self-esteem in the face of societal pressures fueled by social media?
  6. Should parents limit their children’s screen time to protect their mental and physical health?
  7. Are young people today more socially isolated due to their reliance on technology?
  8. How can we educate young people about the potential dangers and risks associated with excessive technology use?
  9. Should schools implement mindfulness and stress management programs to support the mental health of young people?
  10. Is the pressure to achieve and excel in various aspects of life leading to increased stress and burnout among young people?

Conversation Questions – Part 2

  1. Should there be stricter regulations on the advertising and marketing practices targeting young people on social media?
  2. How can we encourage young people to engage in outdoor activities and develop a healthy lifestyle?
  3. What role should schools play in teaching digital citizenship and responsible technology use?
  4. Are young people today less capable of face-to-face communication and social skills due to their reliance on digital communication?
  5. Should there be age restrictions or guidelines for social media platforms to protect the well-being of young users?
  6. How can we promote a healthy body image and challenge unrealistic beauty standards perpetuated by social media?
  7. Is the constant comparison and competition on social media detrimental to the mental health of young people?
  8. What steps can be taken to address the mental health crisis among young people, exacerbated by the pressures of modern-day lifestyles?
  9. Should schools provide more resources and support for students struggling with mental health issues?
  10. How can we educate and empower young people to become critical consumers of media and technology?


An IELTS essay writing task on this topic.

In recent years, the rapid advancement of technology and the widespread use of social media have significantly influenced the lives of young people. Write an essay to discuss the positive and negative impacts of technology and social media on the younger generation. Where possible, provide examples from your own experience.

Write at least 250 words, and you should take no longer than 40 minutes to complete this task.

Remember to structure your essay with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Use appropriate linking words and phrases to connect your ideas and support your arguments. Pay attention to grammar, vocabulary, and coherence. Remember to practice writing this essay within the time limit to improve your IELTS writing skills. Good luck!

Scrum Masters and Agile Coaches - A Native Sound
Scrum Masters and Agile Coaches – A Native Sound

The roles of a Scrum Masters and Agile Coaches are both crucial in supporting and facilitating the successful implementation of Agile methodologies within a team or organisation.

Scrum Masters and Agile Coaches - A Native Sound

Scrum Masters and Agile coaches

The roles of Scrum Masters and Agile Coaches are both crucial in supporting and facilitating the successful implementation of Agile methodologies within a team or organisation. While they share some similarities, they have distinct responsibilities:

Scrum Master:

Facilitates the Scrum process: The Scrum Master ensures that the Scrum framework is followed, facilitates the Scrum events (such as daily stand-ups, sprint planning, sprint reviews, and retrospectives), and helps the team stay focused and productive.

Removes obstacles

The Scrum Master identifies and removes any impediments or obstacles hindering the team’s progress, ensuring they can work efficiently and meet their goals.

Supports the team:

The Scrum Master serves as a servant leader to the team, providing guidance, coaching, and support. They foster a collaborative and self-organising environment where the team can thrive.

Promotes continuous improvement:

The Scrum Master encourages the team to improve their processes, practices, and teamwork continuously. They facilitate retrospectives to reflect on past iterations and identify areas for growth.

Acts as a liaison:

The Scrum Master is a liaison between the development team, product owner, and stakeholders, ensuring effective communication, alignment, and understanding.

Agile Coach:

The Agile Coach helps organisations, teams, and individuals transition to Agile methodologies, guiding them through the adoption process and ensuring a smooth transition.

Provides training and education:

The Agile Coach educates team members and stakeholders on Agile principles, practices, and frameworks. They provide training sessions, workshops, and guidance to help everyone understand and embrace Agile values.

Scrum Masters and Agile Coaches

Mentors and coaches:

The Agile Coach mentors and coaches individuals and teams, helping them improve their Agile practices, collaboration, and mindset. They provide guidance, feedback, and support to foster continuous learning and growth.

Facilitates collaboration:

The Agile Coach promotes collaboration, communication, and teamwork within the organisation. They facilitate workshops, meetings, and activities to encourage cross-functional collaboration and alignment.

Champions Agile values:

The Agile Coach advocates for Agile values and principles, promoting a culture of agility, adaptability, and continuous improvement throughout the organisation.

Scrum Masters and Agile coaches often use idioms to convey important concepts and principles memorably. Here are some idioms commonly used in the Agile community:

  1. “Inspect and Adapt” – This idiom emphasises the importance of continuously evaluating and adjusting processes and practices to improve outcomes.
  2. “Fail fast, fail forward” – This idiom encourages teams to embrace experimentation and learn from failures to iterate and improve.
  3. “Pigs and Chickens” – This idiom refers to the Scrum roles of “pigs” (team members who are committed and accountable) and “chickens” (stakeholders who are involved but not accountable). It reminds everyone of the importance of active participation and ownership.
  4. “Working software over comprehensive documentation” – This idiom highlights the Agile value of prioritising tangible results (working software) over extensive documentation.
  5. “One throat to choke” – This idiom emphasizes the importance of clear accountability and a single point of responsibility in the Agile team.
  6. “Shippable increment” – This idiom refers to the goal of delivering a potentially releasable and valuable product increment at the end of each iteration or sprint.
  7. “Rocks, pebbles, and sand” – This idiom is often used to illustrate the concept of prioritisation, where rocks represent important tasks, pebbles represent secondary tasks, and the sand represents less critical tasks.
  8. “Swarming” – This idiom describes the practice of the whole team collaborating on a single task or user story to ensure its completion.
  9. “YAGNI” (You Ain’t Gonna Need It) – This idiom reminds teams to avoid unnecessary complexity and to only build what is currently required instead of over-engineering for future possibilities.
  10. “Elephant in the room” – This idiom refers to a significant issue or problem that everyone is aware of but is avoiding or not addressing directly. Agile coaches may use this phrase to encourage open and honest communication about challenges.

Scrum Masters and Agile coaches

Scrum Masters and Agile coaches may use phrasal verbs to communicate specific actions and behaviours within the Agile framework. Here are some phrasal verbs commonly used in the Agile community:

  1. “Break down” – This phrasal verb refers to the process of dividing larger tasks or user stories into smaller, manageable pieces for better planning and execution.
  2. “Bring up” – This phrasal verb means to raise or introduce a topic or issue during a team discussion or retrospective.
  3. “Call off” – This phrasal verb is used to cancel or stop a planned meeting, event, or activity.
  4. “Follow up” – This phrasal verb means to check or ensure that a task or action item has been completed or addressed.
  5. “Hold off” – This phrasal verb is used to delay or postpone a decision, action, or implementation until a later time.
  6. “Put off” – This phrasal verb means to postpone or delay a task or activity to a later date or time.
  7. “Take on” – This phrasal verb refers to accepting or assuming responsibility for a task, user story, or role.
  8. “Work through” – This phrasal verb means to systematically analyse, address, or resolve a problem, challenge, or issue.
  9. “Catch up” – This phrasal verb is used to indicate the need to get up to date or synchronise with the progress or information shared by the team.
  10. “Wrap up” – This phrasal verb means to complete or finish a task, meeting, or iteration. Here are some conversation questions on the topic of Agile coaching and Scrum mastering:
  11. How would you describe the role of an Agile coach and a Scrum Master? What are their primary responsibilities?
  12. Have you worked with Agile Coaches or Scrum Masters in the past? If so, what was your experience like?
  13. What do you think are the key qualities or skills that make a successful Agile coach or Scrum Master?
  14. How have Agile coaching and Scrum mastering impacted the way your team works and collaborates?
  15. Can you share any specific challenges your team has faced during the Agile transformation and how your Agile coach or Scrum Master helped overcome them?
  16. In your opinion, what is the most significant benefit of having an Agile coach or Scrum Master on the team?
  17. How do you think an Agile coach or Scrum Master can contribute to the professional growth and development of team members?
  18. Have you noticed any changes in team dynamics or team morale since implementing Agile practices? If so, how has an Agile coach or Scrum Master helped address them?
  19. What metrics or measurements do you think are essential to track the success and progress of Agile coaching and Scrum mastering?
  20. Are there any areas where you feel the Agile coach or Scrum Master could provide additional support or guidance to the team?

Scrum Masters and Agile coaches Questions

Questions you can ask during a 6-month review with an Agile coach and Scrum Master:

  1. How has the team’s understanding and adoption of Agile principles improved over the past six months?
  2. Can you provide examples of specific challenges the team has faced and how they were resolved using Agile methodologies?
  3. What improvements have been made regarding team collaboration, communication, and transparency?
  4. Have you seen any notable team productivity or efficiency changes since implementing Agile practices?
  5. How have you supported individual team member’s professional development and growth?
  6. What feedback have you received from team members regarding your coaching and facilitation style?
  7. Have there been any changes in the team’s overall satisfaction and morale since adopting Agile practices?
  8. What metrics or measurements have you used to track the team’s progress and success?
  9. Are there any areas where additional support or resources are needed to enhance the Agile transformation further?
  10. What goals or objectives do you have for the team in the next six months, and how do you plan to achieve them?