Families In The Digital Age: From The Living Room To The Screens
From the Living Room to the Screens: Modern Families In The Digital Age, we look at the role of a traditional TV and how its value in a household changed.
The hottest IELTS writing topics can vary from time to time as current events and trends influence them. However, some recurring topics include climate change, technology, education, health, and social issues. It’s essential to stay updated with global news and current affairs to be well-prepared for any potential IELTS writing topic. This lesson plan is about the impact of technology on family time.

Families In The Digital Age: From the Living Room to the Screens
The hottest IELTS writing topics can vary from time to time as current events and trends influence them. However, some recurring topics include climate change, technology, education, health, and social issues. It’s essential to stay updated with global news and current affairs to be well-prepared for any potential IELTS writing topic.
In today’s podcast, we look at the role of a traditional TV and how its value in a household has changed. Families continue to bond but in different ways. As a family, we no longer value the idyllic scene of watching television together. Portable devices such as tablets, laptops, and smartphones have set a new precedent.
There could be several reasons why families are not sitting down to watch TV in the living room as much as before:
Changing viewing habits
With the advent of streaming services and on-demand content, individuals have more options to watch their favourite shows and movies on personal devices at their convenience. This has led to a shift in viewing habits and decreased traditional family TV time.
Family Individual preferences
Family members may have different interests and preferences regarding TV shows and movies. People may prefer to watch content on their own devices or in their own rooms rather than compromising on a show they want to watch together.
Busy schedules
Family members often have busy schedules and different commitments in today’s fast-paced world. This can make it challenging to find a time for everyone to sit down and watch TV together.
Hybrid and remote positions often impact regular time slots for eating and sleeping, thus contributing to this problem.
Family Multiple screens
Many households now have multiple TVs, laptops, tablets, and smartphones, allowing each family member to watch their preferred content on their own devices simultaneously. This has reduced the need for a centralised TV in the living room.
Family Alternative activities
Families may engage in other activities, such as playing games, going out, or pursuing hobbies. These activities might take precedence over watching TV together.
While the family TV time in the living room may have decreased, it’s important to note that families can still find ways to connect and bond over shared media experiences, whether through occasional movie nights or discussing favourite shows and movies.
Considering all these factors, this is the IELTS writing task on this topic:
Some people value traditional family activities such as watching TV together; others believe it’s important to follow the trend where each family member watches TV on their own on a portable device. Write an essay to express your point of view. This task has a minimum word count of 250 words and must take a maximum time of 40 minutes to complete. We will score your essay at the beginning of your next class.
Family Trends
Here are some questions that may feature in your speaking test:
1. How has technology influenced the way families spend time together?
2. Do you think technology has brought families closer or pushed them apart?
3. In what ways have digital devices changed family dynamics?
Family Relationships
4. Does excessive screen time have any negative effects on family relationships?
5. What are some creative ways families can bond in the digital age?
6. How can parents strike a balance between allowing their children to use technology and promoting quality family time?
7. Do you think virtual communication can be as effective as face-to-face interaction in maintaining family bonds?
8. Has the use of technology affected the traditional activities families used to engage in together?
9. What role does social media play in shaping family relationships today?
10. Can online gaming help strengthen family bonds?
Family time
11. How can families adapt to technology’s challenges and maintain a strong sense of connection?
12. Is it important for families to establish rules and boundaries when it comes to technology use?
13. What are some potential benefits of using technology to facilitate family bonding activities?
Family Bonding
14. How can families ensure that technology does not become a barrier to meaningful communication and bonding?
15. Do you think the digital age has made it easier or harder for families to spend quality time together?
16. Has technology impacted the way families celebrate special occasions and holidays?
17. How can families use technology to enhance their understanding and appreciation of each other’s interests and hobbies?
18. Are there any disadvantages of relying too heavily on technology for family bonding?
Family Balance
19. Can virtual reality technology contribute to a stronger sense of togetherness among family members?
20. What advice would you give to families struggling to find a balance between screen time and quality family time?
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